Thursday, January 10, 2008

Melilea Greenfield Organic

Greenfield Organic

The best start to a healthy Organic Lifestyle…


Melilea Greenfield Organic is formulated by renowned researcher and organic specialist Dr. Henry Chang, and based on the world’s three most potent efficacies:

1. Functions of Organic Food
2. Function of Naturopathy
3. Function of Natural Healing

MELILEA Greenfield Organic contains more than 20 types of 5-star zero-pollution ingredients, including golden grains, vegetables and fruits, processed by using the latest and most sophisticated technologies. This wonderful treasure trove of botanical nutrients has been formulated to be in perfect harmony with our body.

Melilea Greenfield Organic provides a natural blend of soluble and insoluble fibers from natural organic plants sources, become an excellent body cleanser. This all-natural organic functional food also replenishes your body with a wealth of botanical nutrients such vitamins, mineral and phytonutrients (nutrient from plants).

Suitable for all ages and conditions:

  • Young, adolescent
  • Healthy, health conscious
  • General weakness, lethargy
  • Underweight/ overweight
  • Aged, golden years
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation
  • Irregular menses, menopause
  • Pre-natal/ post natal
  • Pre surgery/ post surgery
  • Freckles, pimples
  • Weak immune system

Direction for Consumption

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Mix 1 or 2 scoops of Melilea Greenfield Organic into a glass of water (about 250 ml). Stir well and drink immediately. You can mix with your favorite Melilea Organic Soya Drink, Melilea Organic Henry Apple Orchard or Orange Garden for better taste. Drink another glass of water within half an hour.

Consumption Tips
If you desire to maintain optimum health, consume twice daily, once in morning and once at night, half hour before breakfast and dinner. Please ensure adequate amount of water is consumed to prevent constipation.

Melilea Greenfield Organic may be consumed as a meal replacement or cures alleviate hunger pangs. For those desires to lose weight, consume it as a meal replacement. This will ensure rapid weight loss without the loss of essential nutrients.

Melilea Greenfield Organic is produced by Greenfield Organic USA Corporation, a registered manufacturing plant with the
(Reg. No. 00223706).

• It has been tasted for safe consumption by various internationally recognized test laboratories.
• In compliance with the applicable provisions of the Federal Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations for food.

• Certified halal by Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA).



Hi... Everybody,
My is Khairul from Melilea Company . Just want to share the opportunity and a secret how to become young and rich.
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thank you.

best regard,

Khairul Karl Nizam
HP : 012-2002396
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