Thursday, January 10, 2008



Business Opportunity

Do you have dreams?

Do you wish to realize your dreams? Or you are sighing for no opportunities or have given up?

Melilea provides a fair and excellent business opportunity to all. We uphold the principle of “transform your life” and help each and every one of you with dreams and objectives to build a successful career and lead an outstanding life.

We emphasize on sharing and teamwork. Through our education program and quality products, we lead you to the journey of “transform”. As long as you are willing to learn and put in efforts, Melilea is definitely a new turning point in realizing your dreams.

Welcome to the world of Melilea and start “Transform your life”!


Hi... Everybody,
My is Khairul from Melilea Company . Just want to share the opportunity and a secret how to become young and rich.
Are you satisfied what are you doing now? Are you want the better income for every months?. Are you want build own business but not enough money to do that? Are you want to become a boss and make a freedom life and easy money.? Are you already enough the monthly sallary would you get? If the answer is NEGATIF don't worry. You in the right place. Here i will share you the secret.

Before that let me introduce a little bit about my company.Actually my company is doing an organic products and wealth lifestyle, in Asia Pacific our company already Top 4 ranking the faster young company grow in business.For your information our company already 5 years in the business market and open more than 10 country of the world. For your information on 2009, our company will open to US Market. Our company also get A lot achievement certificate and reward regarding the product and opportunity. Our company already build 66 person millionaire since 5 years period. Now the number become higher and higher.

If you interested and want to know more about it.
JUSt E-MaiL Me Remember? Believe Company, Believe Product Believe your Mentor and Believe Your Self. Your better and success live Just around the corner. Welcome to our millionaire team.
thank you.

best regard,

Khairul Karl Nizam
HP : 012-2002396
Email :
Email me now